Padd Energy

Energy Purchasing Review

PADD Energy will analyse your consumption data and business needs and use this to extract a customised price from the whole market on your behalf.

As energy consultants we have access to multiple suppliers and gather in-depth information about our client’s energy usage before staring negotiations. This is important because certain suppliers may have gaps in their portfolios for a particular pattern of energy usage and will therefore be able to offer a better price based on specific consumption data.

Companies employ PADD as independent advisers to work on their behalf. We can also work on other efficiency measures within the business such as employee engagement initiatives, consumption and demand reporting, renewable energy schemes and energy efficient lighting. The conversation about energy bills may arise out of other discussions and could well be part of a wider review of energy spending and usage.

We have in-depth knowledge and experience of the energy industry and this enables us to look strategically at budgets and behaviour. We adopt a feasibility approach to all areas of assessment, including energy procurement and this may sometimes mean that a review of the markets proves that the client is already paying the lowest rates.

Review Saves Hospital £250,000 a Year

PADD Energy identified a £250,000 per year saving on gas and electricity bills for a large hospital in England.

Chris Paddey, of PADD Energy commented: “This has been a fantastic opportunity for us to show we are able to identify large savings even for public bodies such as NHS Trusts. Saving money for an NHS Trust equals more beds and in this financially constrained climate that can only be a good thing!”

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